Daraga Urban Tourism Ecoroute Project

Project Overview
The "Daraga Urban Tourism Eco-Route Highway" in Daraga-Legazpi, also referred to as "VIA DUTERTE," stretches over a length of 4.216 kilometers. This route will traverse six barangays within Daraga municipality and one in Legazpi City, serving as an alternate pathway that spans a two-kilometer network of roads.
Project Impact
The project aims to ease traffic congestion from Camalig to Daraga to Legazpi by creating a new route through several barangays. It also aims to provide an alternative route from Daraga to Legazpi, specifically focusing on constructing an elevated four-lane road with drainage systems and parking areas, along with a view deck designed for jogging, equipped with various facilities such as water, sanitation, solar-powered lighting, and traffic safety measures